
0531-8228 6666
作者:紅寶電子 來源:未知 日期:2021-10-16 14:44 瀏覽


  SAMWHA electrolytic capacitors are different series of electrolytic capacitor products developed and customized for different industries, such as Rd series, WF series, WL series, etc. they are widely used series with high quality and good reputation.



  There are many types of capacitors, such as electrolytic capacitor, chip capacitor, super capacitor, tantalum capacitor, film capacitor, etc., but the essential principle of capacitor is the same, which is the same as AC resistance DC, storage charge and release charge.


  Generally, the capacitance deviation of electrolytic capacitors is larger, which will not seriously affect the normal operation of the circuit, so capacitors with slightly larger or smaller capacitance can be used instead. But not in frequency division circuit, s correction circuit, oscillation circuit and delay circuit. The capacitance shall be consistent with the calculation requirements as much as possible. In some filter networks, the capacitance of chip capacitor and electrolytic capacitor is also required to be very accurate, and the error should be less than ± 0.3% ~ 0.5%


  The withstand voltage must meet the requirements, and the selected withstand voltage value shall be equal to or greater than the original value.


  The non-polar capacitor is usually replaced by the non-polar capacitor. There is no way to replace it by reverse series connection of two polar capacitors with twice the capacity. The method is to connect the two polar patch capacitors with the positive pole of the electrolytic capacitor or their two negative poles.


  When selecting chip capacitor and electrolytic capacitor, it is recommended to select SAMWHA high temperature resistant series capacitor products. The maximum working temperature of high temperature resistant capacitor is 105 ℃. When it works at the maximum working temperature, it can ensure the normal working time of about 2000 hours. The lower the temperature of the working environment, the longer the service life of the capacitor.

請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯(lián)系您!
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